
postings related to the maintenance of welcome

Return from Prague and upcoming videos

So this site hasn't had much updating as it's been mostly to document a single art installation project back in 2010. However, I am working on a video part of a larger project funded by National Endowment of the Arts and the University of Washington that covers sculpture which includes the welcome figure and others of it's kind. I plan to post the video on here once it's done and it will most likely be hosted by Vimeo in the coming month.

Outside the Museum of Anthropology in Prague lugging the demo gear of tools, MacBook Pro and projector all thru the old town square from the University luckily it wasn't just me

Outside the Museum of Anthropology in Prague lugging the demo gear of tools, MacBook Pro and projector all thru the old town square from the University luckily it wasn't just me

On a side note my exhibit in Prague was well received and I have been asked back to do another exhibit this time with a glass studio team with a lengthier trip to last 6wks. It was a pleasure to meet the people there at Charles University and lecture at the Museum of Anthropology to give perspective that not only are us Native Americans alive but making art in the 21st century.